About us

The Hope Project has started in 2016 and is led by the stichting Netherlands Hope Research Institute. This stichting is affiliated with the Institute of Leadership and Social Ethics, a research institute of the Evangelische Theologische Faculteit Leuven in Belgium. In earlier phases of the project there has been close collaboration with Erasmus Happiness Economics Research Organisation from Rotterdam. The project has been made possible by the Goldschmeding Foundation for People, Work and Economy.


The team behind The Hope Project consists of scientists from various disciplines and professionals with a background from both government and industry.

Stichting Netherlands Hope Research Institute

The aim of this Dutch foundation is to describe, measure and positively influence hope on a scientific basis. This goal is achieved by conducting scientific research into hope in society and in organizations. The research is conducted by the Institute of Leadership and Social Ethics.

By focusing the measurement of hope on specific contexts such as a company or the city, specific data can be collected that provide more insight into hope in the specific context. This insight can be useful in making policy and in interventions to positively influence hope.

Stichting Netherlands Hope Research Institute Institute of Leadership and Social Ethics

Goldschmeding Foundation

The Hope Project has been made possible by the Goldschmeding Foundation for People, Work and Economy.

The primary goal of the Goldschmeding Foundation is to create a better world by focusing on the interests of the other person. The foundation stimulates this by supporting projects that address important societal challenges in the areas of people, work and the economy.


Goldschmeding Foundation

Erasmus Happiness Economics Research Organisation

Erasmus Happiness Economics Research Organisation (EHERO) is a research institute that is part of the Erasmus School of Economics at Erasmus University Rotterdam. In collaboration with EHERO, The Hope Barometer has been developed, an empirical measuring instrument of hope.

Website EHERO

Prof. Dr. Anthony Scioli

We cooperate closely with Prof. Dr. Anthony Scioli, Professor of Psychology at the University System of New Hampshire’s Keene State College. He is a leading scholar in Hope Theory and has created multiple hope assessment tools.