Firstly, the results show that people score higher on the first three more individual aspects of hope, and lower on the three more social aspects of hope. On the general ‘hope-index’, Dutch citizens scored a 6,34 on a scale of 1 to 10.
Trust in the future
The Hopebarometer 2018 had a special focus on the ‘trust in the future of the Netherlands’. When asked about their trust in different actors in society, people seem to be most positive about their friends and family, and neighbors. Generally, there seems to be less trust in strangers and societal institutes such as the national government, politicians and financial institutes.
When asked about their expectations, people seem to be optimistic about their own life, finances and about the economy as a whole, but a bit more skeptical about the future of society as a whole, the health care system, education and national safety. About the future of our climate, people are particularly pessimistic; on average, people scored a 4,53.